How to Insert input field data into sqlite database?

I have two input field to get data about user registration. I want to save this data into sqlite database. I write save query like below.

In this code, I get save data from register.js file. So I write and register.nick. But I get some error like this

“adf” is the input data. I tried a lot of way. But I can not solve this error. Please tell me how to solve it

First of all i think this is a wrong forum for such questions.

Then there should be a space after user_score and VALUES.
I also suggest you to use another syntax if it is supported in sqllite:

INSERT INTO user_score 

This make it easier to understand which value goes to which field, not to mention you can just copy paste this to UPDATE query if you need.

Last and probably this is the cause of error, you should encase the values in single quote.