How do I install Unity 4.6 beta side by side with 4.5.3 on the same drive and computer on Mac OS X 10.9.4? I have tried changing install locations, but it only shows drives to select.
How do I install Unity 4.6 beta side by side with 4.5.3 on the same drive and computer on Mac OS X 10.9.4? I have tried changing install locations, but it only shows drives to select.
In your applications folder change the “unity” folder name to “Unity (version number)” then install the beta, it will create another folder called “unity” and change that one to whatever version number.
You can have as many versions as you like, like this: Screenshot - af49e31ddbc05a6c02c206864e7a6cfa - Gyazo
That link is dead. Is this still possible? Unity 5.x side by side with Unity 4.6.x?
I found this. It looks old. http://docs.unity3d.com/432/Documentation/Manual/InstallingMultipleVersionsofUnity.html
What @Josh_Naylor said is still valid.