How to instantiate a sprite after it has been destroyed?

I am making a pacman clone and i was wondering how i would. respawn pacman to the centre of the maze (14,15) after he has been killed by a ghost.`
public Transform waypoints; // make an array of preset waypoints for the ghost to follow
int cur = 0; // a counter to move through each of the waypoints

public float speed = 0.3f;
// Update is called once per frame
void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D co)
    if ( == "Pacman")// if the ghost collides with pacman
        if ( > 0)// and the number of lives that pacman has is bigger than 0
            Destroy(co.gameObject);//destroy the pacman sprite 
   -= 1;//remove one from the number of hearts pacman has
            Debug.Log("blinky hit pacman");


void FixedUpdate()
    // Waypoint not reached yet? then move closer
    if (transform.position != waypoints[cur].position)
        Vector2 p = Vector2.MoveTowards(transform.position,waypoints[cur].position,speed);//move towards the next waypoint 
    // Waypoint reached, select next one
    else cur = (cur + 1) % waypoints.Length;

    // Animation
    Vector2 dir = waypoints[cur].position - transform.position;
    GetComponent<Animator>().SetFloat("DirX", dir.x);// change the animation parameters to allow the correct 
    //animations to play
    GetComponent<Animator>().SetFloat("DirY", dir.y);


This is the code i a using to make the Ghosts move around and i would like to re-instantiate pacman inside the OnTriggerEnter2D function

Save pac-man to a variable with GameObject pm = co.gameObject;. Then, after destroying him, call Instantiate(pm, new Vector2(14f, 15f), Quaternion.identity);This will create another pac-man at the center of the maze with zero rotation.

Hope this helps!

One option would be, don’t destroy pac-man… you could have a dead sprite that you switch to, or call gameObject.SetActive(false). When you’re ready to respawn, you just set the position of the object to the correct position and SetActive(true). This is a little safer(and easier) because if you re-instantiate, you’ll need to relink pac-man to whatever objects reference him. If you really need to re-instantiate, I would recommend using a Prefab and then instantiating off of that. Good luck!