How to instantiate an object above another object?

Hello, i’m looking to instantiate an object above another objects position.
Basically in the game a the player will fire a projectile, when this projectile hits something, i want something to be spawned above where the first projectile hits.

I’m currently using the code

`function OnCollisionEnter(collision : Collision){

Destroy (gameObject);

Instantiate (boulder, boulderindicate.position, boulderindicate.rotation);

This creates a version of my prefab ‘boulder’ directly at where the projectile hits. (boulderindicate being the projectile)

Have you tried adding a vector to the boulderindicate.position vector? For example, if you want it to be offset on the y-axis:

Vector3 pos = new Vector3(0f, 10f, 0f);
Instantiate (boulder, boulderindicate.position + pos, boulderindicate.rotation);