how to instantiate an object every second?

hello. i just wanted to know how to instantiate a object every second? (in this case a laser beam) i have tried using Time.deltaTime, but it still isn't playing ball. (when debugging(on fastest), it still is firing alot faster then in the editor?).

i've even tried invokeRepeat(function(string),time(int), seconds (int)) but still no joy? how do i get unity to do a certain thing at a consistent speed on any computer! i could try fixedUpdate but i don't really fancy separating if(GetAxis("Fire1")) in too two functions as it will overload a first animation i have.

try having a variable store the last time you fired. then you can check if a second has passed, and if it has, fire and set the last fired time to now.

 var lastFired = 0.0;
    if(( Time.time > lastFired + 1.0)&&(GetAxis("Fire1"))
        //fire lasers!

i've even tried invokeRepeat(function(string),time(int), seconds (int)) but still no joy?

var laserPrefab : GameObject;
var timeBetweenLasers : float = 0.5f;

function Update()
    if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1"))
        InvokeRepeating("FireLaser", float.Epsilon, timeBetweenLasers);
    if (Input.GetButtonUp("Fire1"))

function FireLaser()
    if (!laserPrefab)
        Debug.LogWarning("You forgot to set the laser prefab!");

    Instantiate(laserPrefab, transform.position, transform.rotation);