I want to place 1 million coloured toothpicks on XYZ coordinates from a CSV list and rotate each of them individually around their XYZ coordinate.
The individual toothpick rotation value should be calculated by the sine function of the sum of the individual X coordinate and a global sine step value updated each frame. Additionally, the calculation of global sine step value, as well as the rotation limits, should be interactive in realtime (rhythm, speed, limits)
When using a single toothpick as prefab and a c# script to instantiate 1million as separate game objects I soon face a gameobject limit.
Is there a way to place a prefab at 1 million XYZ coordinates and parametrically control all of them with one c# script?
If Unity prefabs are not an option is there any plugin, extension, way to instantiate and control a large number of objects parametrically?
Thank you very much for any help!!