Hello! I’m new to scripting and I have a quick question: In my game, the opponent can turn invisible by looking at the boolean: “isStealthed”. What I want is when the opponent turns invisible, it instantiates a gameobject once. And when it turns back to visible, it instantiates a gameobject again.
I have tried using a private boolean “instantiatedParticle” to make it play only once. But when I try it, it instantiates once and then it just stops working. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!
private void CheckOpponentStealth()
SkinnedMeshRenderer meshRenderer = GetComponentInChildren<SkinnedMeshRenderer>();
if (IsStealthed)
if (meshRenderer != null)
meshRenderer.enabled = false; //this line makes the opponent invisible
GameObject player = PhotonView.Instantiate(stealthParticle, transform.position, transform.rotation);
instantiatedParticle = true;
if (meshRenderer != null)
meshRenderer.enabled = true;
meshRenderer.material = standardMaterial;
//this makes the opponent visible