I want to instantiate these meteors at random times so the game doesn’t become predictable. Also maybe add in the code for random spacial position? It’s like one of those infinite runner games.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class SpawnMeteor : MonoBehaviour
public Transform center;
public Transform left;
public Transform right;
private float cenTime = 3f;
private float rigTime = 4f;
private float lefTime = 6f;
public GameObject meteor;
private float centerCoin = 1f;
private float rightCoin = 2f;
private float leftCoin = 3f;
public GameObject coins;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
Instantiate(meteor, center.position, center.rotation);
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
cenTime -= Time.deltaTime;
rigTime -= Time.deltaTime;
lefTime -= Time.deltaTime;
centerCoin -= Time.deltaTime;
rightCoin -= Time.deltaTime;
leftCoin -= Time.deltaTime;
if (cenTime < 0)
cenTime = 3f;
Instantiate(meteor, center.position, center.rotation);
if(rigTime < 0)
rigTime = 4f;
Instantiate(meteor, right.position, right.rotation);
if(lefTime < 0)
lefTime = 6f;
Instantiate(meteor, left.position, left.rotation);
if (centerCoin < 0)
centerCoin = 1f;
Instantiate(coins, center.position, center.rotation);
if(rightCoin < 0)
rightCoin = 2f;
Instantiate(coins, right.position, right.rotation);
if(leftCoin < 0)
leftCoin = 3f;
Instantiate(coins, left.position, left.rotation);