Hi, I have tried to instantiate listed prefabs by using photon network, it works but it just instantiates the first listed prefab but what I wanted is to instantiate the listed prefabs by row like when the first player joins it instantiates the first listed prefab, and when the second player joins it instantiates the second listed prefab, I hope that I explained my issue well.
Well sure.
With the given information i assume you have some script that has the task to spawn players when they connect.
Give this script a list of Prefabs:
public GameObject[] PlayerPrefabs;
Don’t forget to put some prefabs in there.
Then you have to find a way to track the “playernumber”. So when your player connects and instantiates its character you have:
PhotonNetwork.Instantiate(PlayerPrefabs[playernumber], playerPos, Quaternion.identity, 0);
The tracking of the playernumber can be done multiple ways. For example your MasterClient has a counter the increments each time a player joins and then he sends out the number to the newly connected client. Another way would probably to build a system on buffered messages but having the master client send out the playernumber is more reliable imo.