How to iterate through class properties of a class?

Hi guys, I bumped into a problem and I am stucked!
I have the following code. I made it simple but in real I have much more variables and I would have a lot of IF statements.
Is it possible to iterate through the class Resources? What I want is to count how many values have a value. I need to count them.

using System;
using UnityEngine;

public class MyClass : MonoBehaviour
    private class RewardClass
        public Resources resources;

    private class Resources
        public int coins;
        public int titanium;
        public int pc;
        public int parts;

    // Values are assigned in the inspector only.
    [SerializeField] private RewardClass[] rewardClass;

    private void Start()
        int numberOfRewards = 0;

        // I want to replace this with a foreach loop.
        if (rewardClass[0].resources.coins > 0)
        if (rewardClass[0].resources.titanium > 0)
        if (rewardClass[0].resources.pc > 0)
        if (rewardClass[0] > 0)

        // Something like this but it is not working, I am getting error.
        foreach (var property in rewardClass[0].resources.Length)
            if (property > 0)

Thank you very much for any help!

with foreach it should look like this

        int numberOfRewards = 0;
        foreach (RewardClass reward in rewardClass)
           if (reward.resources.coins > 0)
           if (reward.resources.titanium > 0)
           if (reward.resources.pc > 0)
           if ( > 0)

I would heavily recommend you to read up on C# fundamentals
Edit :
Ok i think i get your issue , one way you could do this is by using reflection , it enables you to do many things regarding the types , like inspecting them and iterating over their members.
Here , i used it to get the fields of the class “Resources” and then loops over the fields to get their value.
NOTE : reflection is extremely expensive and not to be used every frame , should preferable be kept for heavy initialization stuff at the start of the game (or things of that nature)
it would look like this

using System;
using System.Reflection;

public class MyClass : MonoBehaviour
    private class RewardClass
        public Resources resources;

    private class Resources
        public int coins;
        public int titanium;
        public int pc;
        public int parts;

    // Values are assigned in the inspector only.
    [SerializeField] private RewardClass[] rewardClass;

    private void Start()
        // get a list of all the field from the type "Resources"
        FieldInfo[] fields = typeof(Resources).GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
        int numberOfRewards = 0;
        foreach (RewardClass reward in rewardClass)
            // iterate over the fields
            foreach(FieldInfo field in fields)
                // use the fieldInfo to get the field's value from the current "reward" in the loop
                int value = (int) field.GetValue(reward.resources);

                // do the needed counting
                if(value > 0)