How to keep AnyState in animator from interrupting itself

I have a good amount of animations for my player, and I want them all to be able to transition to and from each other, so I thought connections them to AnyState would work, something like this:



|if running

| if jumping



|if idle



However, when the value that decides which animation to transition to is set, it constantly tries to transition to the begging of an animation. This is because AnyState keeps interrupting itself and keeps requesting the begging of the same animation. I was wondering how I could prevent AnyState from interrupting itself, or if there is some workaround I can use to mimic what I am trying to accomplish.

Thanks in advance!

I just had to do a workaround for this on a death animation. I set a trigger “die” to start the animation and a bool named “dead” was false, but using a coroutine to WaitForEndOfFrame() and then changing the “dead” bool to true was how I got this to work. Though I also made a new state of the same death animation and had the transition time from the first death state to the second 0.0f and set it to transition at the very end of the animation and finally I set the hasExitTime to true. Hope that helps

I realize this is an older post, but for the sake of others who stumble on this issue:

You want to ensure that your “Any State” transition has “Transition to Self” unchecked.