link:here is a video of what is happening
Hello, the problem I am having is that when I use a health pick it makes the health go over 100%, I would like for 100% to be the max health. Also when I buy the same health pick up from the vendor and after I put into my inventory the item is having no effect on my health.
I am using 4 scripts: PlayerHealth script, Vendor script are both in C-sharp then the Inventory script and the Itemeffect script are both Java (yeah I know).
here are the four scripts:
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
public class PlayerHealth : MonoBehaviour
public Slider healthBar;
Text healthText;
GameObject DeathUI;
private string sceneNameToLoad;
public float maxHealth = 100;
public float curHealth;
void Start()
healthBar.value = maxHealth;
curHealth = healthBar.value;
void OnTriggerStay ( Collider other )
if (other .gameObject.tag == "Damage")
healthBar.value -= 1f;
curHealth = healthBar.value;
if (other .gameObject.tag == "Heal")
healthBar.value += 1f;
curHealth = healthBar.value;
//if (other .gameObject.tag == "HPickUp")
//healthBar.value += 25f;
//curHealth = healthBar.value;
void Update()
healthText.text = curHealth.ToString () + " %";
maxHealth = Mathf.Clamp(maxHealth, 1, 100);
if (curHealth >= 51)
DeathUI.gameObject.SetActive (false);
DeathUI.gameObject.SetActive (true);
if (curHealth <= 0)
SceneManager.LoadScene (sceneNameToLoad);
Here is the Vendor script:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class Vendor : MonoBehaviour {
Currency script;
//Inventory invScript;
public GameObject vendorUI;
public GameObject objToCreate;
public Transform posToCreate;
public int cost;
void Start()
script = GameObject.FindWithTag("GameController").GetComponent<Currency>();
//invScript = GameObject.FindWithTag("GameController").GetComponent<Inventory>();
void OnTriggerEnter()
Cursor.visible = true;
// Update is called once per frame
void OnTriggerExit ()
Cursor.visible = false;
public void BuyItem()
if ( >= cost)
{ -= cost;
Instantiate (objToCreate, posToCreate.position, posToCreate.rotation);
Here is the Inventory script:
//This is the central piece of the Inventory System.
var Contents : Transform; //The content of the Inventory
var MaxContent : int = 12; //The maximum number of items the Player can carry.
var DebugMode = false; //If this is turned on the Inventory script will output the base of what it’s doing to the Console window.
private var playersInvDisplay : InventoryDisplay; //Keep track of the InventoryDisplay script.
static var itemHolderObject : Transform; //The object the unactive items are going to be parented to. In most cases this is going to be the Inventory object itself.
@script AddComponentMenu (“Inventory/Inventory”)
//Handle components and assign the itemHolderObject.
function Awake ()
itemHolderObject = gameObject.transform;
playersInvDisplay = GetComponent(InventoryDisplay);
if (playersInvDisplay == null)
Debug.LogError("No Inventory Display script was found on " + + " but an Inventory script was.");
Debug.LogError("Unless a Inventory Display script is added the Inventory won't show. Add it to the same gameobject as the Inventory for maximum performance");
//Add an item to the inventory.
function AddItem(Item:Transform)
var newContents = new Array(Contents);
Contents=newContents.ToBuiltin(Transform); //Array to unity builtin array
if (DebugMode)
Debug.Log(" has been added to inventroy");
//Tell the InventoryDisplay to update the list.
if (playersInvDisplay != null)
//Removed an item from the inventory (IT DOESN’T DROP IT).
function RemoveItem(Item:Transform)
var newContents=new Array(Contents);
var index=0;
var shouldend=false;
for(var i:Transform in newContents) //Loop through the Items in the Inventory:
if(i == Item) //When a match is found, remove the Item.
//No need to continue running through the loop since we found our item.
if(shouldend) //Exit the loop
if (DebugMode)
Debug.Log(" has been removed from inventroy");
if (playersInvDisplay != null)
//Dropping an Item from the Inventory
function DropItem(item)
gameObject.SendMessage (“PlayDropItemSound”, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); //Play sound
var makeDuplicate = false;
if (item.stack == 1) //Drop item
else //Drop from stack
item.stack -= 1;
makeDuplicate = true;
item.DropMeFromThePlayer(makeDuplicate); //Calling the drop function + telling it if the object is stacked or not.
if (DebugMode)
Debug.Log( + " has been dropped");
//This will tell you everything that is in the inventory.
function DebugInfo()
Debug.Log(“Inventory Debug - Contents”);
for(var i:Transform in Contents){
Debug.Log(“Inventory contains “+items+” Item(s)”);
//Drawing an ‘S’ in the scene view on top of the object the Inventory is attached to stay organized.
function OnDrawGizmos ()
Gizmos.DrawIcon (Vector3(transform.position.x, transform.position.y + 2.3, transform.position.z), “InventoryGizmo.png”, true);
Here is the ItemEffect script:
#pragma strict
//This script allows you to insert code when the Item is used (clicked on in the inventory).
var deleteOnUse = true;
private var playersInv : Inventory;
private var item : Item;
public var playerHealth : PlayerHealth; //c# script
@script AddComponentMenu (“Inventory/Items/Item Effect”)
@script RequireComponent(Item)
//This is where we find the components we need
function Awake ()
playersInv = FindObjectOfType(Inventory); //finding the players inv.
if (playersInv == null)
Debug.LogWarning(“No ‘Inventory’ found in game. The Item " + + " has been disabled for pickup (canGet = false).”);
item = GetComponent(Item);
//This is called when the object should be used.
function UseEffect ()
if( == "HPickUp") playerHealth.curHealth += 50f;
if( == "HPickUp") playerHealth.healthBar.value += 50f;
//Play a sound
playersInv.gameObject.SendMessage("PlayDropItemSound", SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);
//This will delete the item on use or remove 1 from the stack (if stackable).
if (deleteOnUse == true)
//This will delete the item on use or remove 1 from the stack (if stackable).
if (deleteOnUse == true)
//This takes care of deletion
function DeleteUsedItem()
if (item.stack == 1) //Remove item
else //Remove from stack
item.stack -= 1;
Debug.Log( + " has been deleted on use");
There you are if anyone can help me make sense of this it would be greatly appreciated.