How to keep pixel art crisp in unity

My sprites look fine in a photo viewer, but in unity they blur. Can someone please list all of the steps i need to take to make sure that pixel clarity is preserved upon import into unity? I understand this question has been asked multiple times, but i’ve tried all of the obvious stuff (point filtering, no generate mipmaps) and i’m not sure what else to do.

Bump: Still need help, check my images posted as a comment to one of the answers (which didn’t work for me)

Filter Mode: Point (no filter)
Generate Mip Maps: NO
Format: Truecolor

Very important: get your PPU right. You want one pixel on your sprite to equal an integer number of screen pixels. E.g. if the vertical screen resolution is 600, and the camera’s orthographic size is 5 you have 10 world units vertically (2 * orthographic size) which means you have 60 pixels (vertically) per world unit. PPU is how many pixels in the sprite correspond to 1 world unit. So if in our example you set PPU to 60 for that sprite, you will have 1 sprite pixel == 1 screen pixel, which would be good. If you set PPU to 30 then 1 sprite pixel == 2 screen pixels, so your sprite will be twice as big but still an integer number of screen pixels, so that is also good. If you set PPU to 45 then 1 sprite pixel == (60 / 45) == 1.33333 screen pixels, which would be bad from a pixel-perfect point of view.

You may also want to use a material derived from Sprites/Default and enable pixel-snap. This should mitigate problems associated with making sub-pixel movements of your sprite or the camera which can otherwise cause artifacts.

Avoid having odd dimensions in your sprite (51x51 pixels is bad, 50x50 is ok).

Avoid having a screen (camera) resolution with odd dimensions (801x601 is bad, 800x600 is ok).