Hi, i just made a script to kick a player from room if player name equal the value and click button he will be kicked out , I’m using Photon
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class LeaveCurrentMatch : MonoBehaviour
public GameObject playerName;
public void OnClick_LeaveMatch()
public void Kick(PhotonPlayer kick)
InputField inputField = playerName.GetComponent<InputField>();
string value = inputField.text;
PhotonNetwork.playerName = value;
Seeing how this is part of Photon, you’ll probably have better luck asking in a photon forum or Q&A section.
How I handled the room master’s “kick” feature long ago, was a RPC call to the room member’s client to leave the room. You could reasonably put in a vote-to-kick feature using custom room properties. But this was like, 2 years ago, best to check if Photon has included a built-in way to do this by now.