Hi everybody, during the quarantine I decide with my friend to do a game. It’s a game on Unity2D, but I have only one problem. I cannot find the solution on the internet and that why I’m here. I have a collider on my enemy and I want to respawn my player when he touches this collider. Can you help me please ?
As it is quite a simple and common problem, it would be very unlikely not to find many solutions to that problem on the internet.
It’s great to ask questions! Don’t get me wrong. But its essential to develop the skill to research the web, otherwise you might get stuck an awful lot.
Your english seem quite good so the only concern you should have is asking the right questions or using the right tags for your search. ie; respawn player unity / respawn on collision
As for your problem, I’m far from advising other people on how to do things if I haven’t tested the logic myself, so I can only redirect you to thse: