How to know current focus in my gui controls?

I am using GUILayout controls, didn’t create gui control my self.
Now I want to know when or whether user is typing in textfield, or something else, but currently I only need to know the textfield only.
I saw one api names GetNameOfFocusedControl in GUI class, that seems work but what I am using now is GUILayout, from which I did not see similar api.
So anyidea on this? I know if I made one gui controller from scratch can resolve this… But does it have to do this? I still believe unity GUI should supply this kind of basic function…
Thanks a lot in advance.

No one knows about this?
What I want is just know if user is typing in the textfield which is made by GUILayout.

Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be any way to get the focused control when you are using GUILayout.

Oh…kay, let me re-design my UI.
Thanks anyway.