Hello everyone,
Maybe this question is not related to Unity Analytics. I want to know my users are coming from which source/website etc to my Google Play Game Page. Is this possible with Unity Analytics? One solution everyone talking about is Google Analytics SDK. But I don’t want to use Google Analytics In-Game, Because I already using Unity Analytics. Is this is possible without using SDK?
My understanding is that you’ll need some Marketing Attribution in order to know that. Google Analytics will probably get you that for Google Play. Maybe if you use Unity Ads you could also get attribution. There are other Marketing Attribution services like Appsflyer and Kochava. But I’m pretty sure you can’t get attribution with Unity Analytics.
Unity Analytics doesn’t provide attribution
OK, I understand this. Is Unity Ads provide attribution? As said by jkotzian? What I should use for attribution?
No, that isn’t correct unfortunately. Using Unity Ads won’t tell you where the user came from when visiting Google Play, that isn’t our web property. Users haven’t installed your game at that point so Unity Analytics isn’t running. Perhaps Google already has web Analytics available on your Google Play product landing page.