I have a camera which is a child of my playerObject. The camera is always looking at the player in a 90 degree angle and is always on the same side of the player (like in Valkyrie Profile 2). This stuff already works.
The problem now is that i want the movement of the camera to be lerped when it follows the player.
Do you want to follow the player with some delay? If so, set the camera’s position/rotation in LateUpdate (camera script):
public speed: float = 5.0;
private relPos: Vector3;
private target: Transform;
private tr: Transform;
function Start(){
tr = transform; // cache camera transform in tr
relPos = tr.localPosition; // get initial relative position
target = tr.parent; // our target is the current parent (the player)
tr.parent = null; // unchild the camera - it will move by itself
function LateUpdate(){
// find the destination position in world space:
var destPos: Vector3 = target.TransformPoint(relPos);
// lerp to it each frame:
tr.position = Vector3.Lerp(tr.position, destPos, speed * Time.deltaTime);
// keep your eyes on the target
The camera was detached from the player just to avoid wasting time with child movement since this will be done in LateUpdate anyway. If the camera must be a child of the player for other reasons, however, just delete the last instruction in Start.