Hello, I’m new to Unity and I would like to add a constraint to the rebound of a ball, I can not …
Let me explain. I would like to limit the bounce angle of my ball to 5 ° whatever the inclination of my platform.
See the diagram below:

Can you help me please ?
Thanks a lot !
I think you’ll want to use your own scripting for the movement instead of using the built-in physics. Then you can calculate your rebound angles and limit them as necessary.
Yes, I’m just trying something with “addForce” to simulate a rebound and then compensate the rebound angle with an opposite x force.
What I mean is that instead of relying on the physics engine (RigidBody) to handle your collisions and bouncing, you will probably want to calculate your own direction and speed, and set the transform position directly. Otherwise what I expect will happen is that your object will collide, bounce, and they you will need to correct it’s velocity (direction) which will cause your object to appear jumpy.
This tutorial might help if you are considering using gravity: