I’m modifying the karting microgame and I wanted to add on-screen joystick support. I’ve already managed to create a script that accelerates, brakes, and steers the car, but I can’t figure out how to link it to an on-screen joystick. I made this quick video to make what I’m talking about clearer:
In short, what I need to do is find a way to make it so that moving the joystick changes the “steer” value between -1 and 1 to control how much the car steers.
I’ve managed to, in the meanwhile, create functions called by UI buttons to steer the car left or right, which works, but is definitely not ideal because it doesn’t allow for very precise movements at all.
This is the UI input script, attached directly to the player car:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
namespace KartGame.KartSystems
public class UiInput : BaseInput
public bool accelerate;
public bool brake;
public float turn;
// Called by OnPointerDown event from Even Trigger attached to UI object
// https://youtu.be/3NBYqPAA5Es?t=194
public void StartAccelerate() => accelerate = true;
// Called by OnPointerUp event from Even Trigger attached to UI object
// https://youtu.be/3NBYqPAA5Es?t=194
public void StopAccelerate() => accelerate = false;
public void StartBrake() => brake = true;
public void StopBrake() => brake = false;
public void StartTurnLeft() => turn = Mathf.Max(turn - 1, -1);
public void StopTurnLeft() => turn = Mathf.Min(turn + 1, 1);
public void StartTurnRight() => turn = Mathf.Min(turn + 1, 1);
public void StopTurnRight() => turn = Mathf.Max(turn - 1, -1);
public override InputData GenerateInput()
return new InputData
Accelerate = accelerate,
Brake = brake,
TurnInput = turn
I’m currently using a joystick I found on the unity asset store but if you have any idea of another solution that might work better for this case please let me know.