How to load a scene using addressables outside of playmode

I’m creating a tool to help handling the scene loading outside of playmode for a game with multi-scene seamless map. I tried to load a scene as in the playmode, that is, to call the function Addressables.LoadSceneAsync(), then I met such error:

It seems that something is different in the editor mode and play mode, just as the SceneManager and EditorSceneManager do. So I am wondering if there’s some approach for me to create such a tool to help scene management using addressables outside of playmode.

In edit mode, you don’t “load” scenes, you “open” them. You need to use the EditorSceneManager API, Addressables does not provide an equivalent for this.

If you have an Addressable resource, you can get the asset GUID, turn it into a project path, and then use the path with OpenScene.

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Thanks, I’ll try that