How to load a webpage inside an Unity3d application?

I am in need of displaying a webpage inside my Unity3d app (for implementing Single Sign On for my game).

I read about ‘Application.loadURL()’ method, but it opens up the link inside the default browser app.

I need to display the webpage in the app screen itself (something like WebView in Native Android SDK)

Kindly guide me if it is possible natively or through any plugins?

Any information on this topic will be welcomed.

Thank you @saud_ahmed020.

As me and my team-mate figured it out the hard way,

Unity doesn’t natively support displaying a live web page as a part of the game (Makes sense since Unity is not primarily built for that).

But there are various assets available in Unity’s asset store like this one which enables the functionality for you.

Hope it helps someone who is searching for similar requirements. Happy developing :-).

If you’re interested in displaying the web content in 3D, check out my 3D WebView plugin for Android, iOS, Windows, macOS, and UWP. It provides a prefab and simple API that makes this really easy.

Here is free Plugin for Unity Android and iOS. Web view
. For reference check out my Tutorial.

I have resolved it by using a native plugin from unity assed store. Plugin is very descriptive and easy to use.

Link for Android Web View plugin is : Web View for Android | Integration | Unity Asset Store

Link for iOS Web View plugin is : Web View in iOS | Integration | Unity Asset Store

How to add webview without Pluging ?