How to load all Prefabs dynamically without knowing their names

Currently trying to figure out how to load a lot of Prefabs automatically.

For my old Pac-Man test, I just did a hardcoded lame thing, as I knew how many prefabs I needed to load and they were less than a handfull, like this:

I know the objects - so just hardcoded load

GameObject goWall = (GameObject)Resources.Load(“Wall”);

GameObject goEnergy = (GameObject)Resources.Load(“Energy”);

GameObject goPill = (GameObject)Resources.Load(“Pill”);

GameObject goMonster = (GameObject)Resources.Load(“Monster”);

GameObject goPlayer = (GameObject)Resources.Load(“NomNomNom”);

Then later on, in the parsing of the leveldata (map):


go = (GameObject)Instantiate(goWall,pos,Quaternion.identity); = “wall”+xcnt+“x”+ycnt; // to make realtime debugging easier


But now I am facing a project where the Prefabs will be PLENTY per level/area, lets just say maybe 100 or 200 (dont know the actual number before the full design is completed)

What I am asking is, how can I make a “list” of whats in a certain Ressource folder and then load them automatically? I can see we have Resources.LoadAll, but …?

I will use an Array to store the GameObjects, together with their “names”, but I cant figure out how to make a “directory” of the Ressource folder.

Secondly I would like to give them short names beside the actual Prefab name, if possible. But thats secondary if possible at all.

This is sorta related Find texture by name? Or other types? - Questions & Answers - Unity Discussions In short, no good way I know of. But you could use the System API’s to read folder’s contents (get directory) and sort things out brute-force.