How to load an array with JsonUtility?

I have a json array like this:

        "key": "here's the key",
        "key": "here's the key",

I try to load like this:

public class Info
    public string key;

var asset = Resources.Load<TextAsset>("JsonTest");
var info = JsonUtility.FromJson<Info[]>(asset.text);

But it says like this:


Did you make the json yourself?


is asset null by any chance?

Nope :wink:

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try inheriting from System.Object

Nothing different. If I print .Lenght it says 174090232 :hushed:

change var asset=Resources.Load(“JsonTest”);
var asset=Resources.Load(“JsonTest.json”);


We currently do not support array types for top-level JSON deserialization (like Info[ ]). You need to wrap the JSON in an object, like this:

{ "infos": [
   { "key" : "key 1" },
   { "key" : "key 2" }
] }

and then make a little wrapper class to match:

public class InfosCollection
   public Info[] infos;


We know that this is not ideal and it’s on the list to handle top-level arrays properly in the future.


Thanks for the instructions Richard, Can you give an example on how to retrieve value for individual key such that a row has more than one key and its respective values. ?

Ex :
“name”: “nm”,
“place”: “plc”,
“description”: “dscrptn”,
“name”: “nm”,
“place”: “plc”,
“description”: “dscrptn”,
“name”: “nm”,
“place”: “plc”,
“description”: “dscrptn”,
How to access each values or say in a loop or something like that ?

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public struct MyObject
   public struct ArrayEntry
      public string name;
      public string place;
      public string description;

   public ArrayEntry[] object;

I made this helper method to wrap a json around a class, this way you don’t need to change code on the server for accommodating the json top-level array problem .

    public static string WrapToClass(this string source, string topClass){
        return string.Format("{{ \"{0}\": {1}}}", topClass, source);

Took me a while to notice that FromJson doesn’t work if the class members are defined as properties


Correct; same as the Inspector.

I wrote a little workaround:

public class JsonHelper
    public static T[] getJsonArray<T>(string json)
        string newJson = "{ \"array\": " + json + "}";
        Wrapper<T> wrapper = JsonUtility.FromJson<Wrapper<T>> (newJson);
        return wrapper.array;

    private class Wrapper<T>
        public T[] array;

You can now simple deserialize like this:

YouObject[] objects = JsonHelper.getJsonArray<YouObject> (jsonString);

Very surprising a such basic feature is not implemented…


This worked beautifully! Thanks ffleurey

Hi, this helped a lot. Thank you!

I’m trying this answer, but have doubts about how to properly set YouObject[ ]?
Thanks for the help


JSON Utility class doesn’t support Array types or List yet?

I’m trying something like this to use Lists and seems to work well, but i’m not sure if is a good implementation:

public class PlayerStats{

public int life;
public string name;
public int energy;


public class PlayerStatsList {

    public List <PlayerStats> playerStats;

Now, in the class that i wan’t to access to the JSON File:

public PlayerStatsList myPlayerStatsList = new PlayerStatsList();

JsonUtility.FromJsonOverwrite (jsonText, myPlayerStatsList);

With this, i have all the info loaded from the JSON file in the list myPlayerStatsList.playerStats.

The JSON File must have the same structure that the PlayerStats class, like this:

    "PlayerStats": [
            "life": "10",
            "name": "Kratos",
            "energy": 100
            "life": "80",
            "name": "Nathan",
            "energy": 20
            "life": "90",
            "name": "Link",
            "energy": 25

Simple and clever, Thanks !