How to load Assets as GameObjects?

I'm writing an Editor script that takes assets from a directory path, and builds them into an asset bundle.

I want to use: BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundle(Object main, Object [] assets, string outputPath, ...);

That means I need an array of Object[]. But how do I get the array of Object[], given an asset path that contains all the fbx that I need in bundled?

Additional Analysis:

  1. I can't use Editor's "Selection" API. Because, I can't control what folder is selected in the Editor window.
  2. This doesn't work: `Object[] objects = AssetDatabase.LoadAllAssetsAtPath("Assets/Art")` , it doesn't load the assets as GameObjects or Texture2D's if I try to cast the Object afterwards. I checked using C# code: if (objects *is GameObject), it will return false for all objects in the array. This API works differently from what I assumed. It takes the file path of an asset (ie: /character.fbx), not a folder path, and outputs all children in the fbx as GameObjects.
  3. * *

Why does AssetDatabase.LoadAllAssetsAtPath not work for you? The problem you are havaing with it should be a non-issue. In unity, a asset does not come in as a GameObject. It comes in as the most appropriate class, so a FBX should come in as a Mesh. What I would reccomend doing is instead of checking for a GameObject, print the class name. Try

foreach (object o in objects) Debug.Log(object.GetType().ToString());

which should give you the class names of all the imported objects.

Is your output asset bundle working? I find that is the really important question.