How to Load Movie Texture Audio from Resources in Script?

Your docs for using Movie Texture describe how to play movie audio by drag/drop of the Audio Clip onto an AudioSource.

I have my videos located under Resources and am loading them with script by name. But I can't seem to figure out the correct name for the audio clip resource associated with the movie. I tried things like "{MovieTextureName} audio", etc... but it cannot locate the audio clip resource.

What is the naming scheme that I should use to load the Audio Clip from Resource folder using Script?

         Resources.Load(audioClipPath, AudioClip);

In this line of code, what should "audioClipPath" be?


MovieTexture movieTexture = (MovieTexture)Resources.Load( movieTexturePath, MovieTexture );
AudioClip movieAudioClip = movieTexture.audioClip;

audioClipPath should just be the movie asset. So if your Movie is in "Assets/Resources/", audioClipPath should be "Movie".