How to load & play movie texture dynmically?

I want to use a Collider to detect proximity, and when triggered, load and play a movie. I've tried using the WWW class and set the resulting movie to the mainTexture, but I'm getting errors.

What's the best way to do this? (Targeted to web player, but would be interested in stand-alone solution too).

The only way I could figure out how to load a movie dynamically is to load it from an asset bundle. I tried using a MOV file or an MP4 file and couldn't get the movie to render properly, so I imported the movie file into unity, let the Unity editor convert it, and exported an asset bundle with that movie texture asset in it.

To build an asset bundle see this forum thread:

Then it was as simple as downloading the asset bundle and getting the movie texture out of it. In my case the only asset in the asset bundle was the movie texture so I could do something like this:

The biggest problem with this approach is that it doesn't "stream" the movie, you have to wait for it to complete before playing.

void Start()
    StartCoroutine( WaitForMovie() );    

IEnumerator WaitForMovie() 
    WWW movieTextureDownload = new WWW( movieURL );
    yield return movieTextureDownload;
    movieTexture = movieTextureDownload.assetBundle.mainAsset as MovieTexture;

    // do whatever with movie texture here