How to load prefabs into array

Hi guys

I was just wondering how I would load an array of prefabs using the resources folder ? Resources.load

I want to do this in C#

I know I would porbably use. public GameObject item;
But how would I load the resources into an array and name them from item0 to how ever many items I have ? Eg. Item0, item1, item2,

There’s a couple of ways to do this. The easiest would most likely be:

public GameObject[] items;
void Start()
    // If you store all your items that you want to load in the same folder (Assets/Resources/MyItemsToLoad).
    items = Resources.LoadAll("MyItemsToLoad") as GameObject[];

Then it would load all files in that folder. If you keep it to just the items that you want to load and nothing else then it would work nicely.

But if you don’t want to do it like this you could do a looping solution instead.

using System.Collections.Generic;    
public List<GameObject> items = new List<GameObject>();

void Start()
    GameObject obj = null;
    int counter = 0;
    bool done = false;
        // We just keep loading until obj becomes null
        obj = Resources.Load("Item" + counter) as GameObject;
        if(obj == null)
            done = true; // Let's stop this now.

I would prefer the first solution, since I don’t like to rely on errors (couldn’t load) to know when you are done, but that’s a matter of taste and what best suits your situation.

Here is an example of code that did work for me.

private GameObject[] clouds;
clouds = Resources.LoadAll<GameObject>("Prefabs/Clouds");

Just make sure you have the gameobjects in Assets/Resources/foldername ie Assets/Resources/Prefabs/Clouds