How to load scenes from AssetBundle using AssetBundleManager

I am using AssetBundle Manager ( to make asset bundles of scenes. Then those bundles used as On Demand Resources for our IOS game. I am using “AssetBundleManager.LoadLevelAsync” method to load scenes from bundle. In “Simulation Mode” of AssetBundle Manager everything works perfect, but on Ios device or in Editor but without Simulation mode scenes doesn’t load with error “scene couldn’t be loaded because it has not been added to the build settings or the AssetBundle has not been loaded”. But ODR are working and bundle is downloaded in this moment. What is wrong?

Code that I used (taken from AssetBundle manager sample):

// Load level from assetBundle.
        AssetBundleLoadOperation request = AssetBundleManager.LoadLevelAsync(sceneAssetBundle, levelName, false);
        if (request == null)
            yield break;
        yield return StartCoroutine(request);

Well the scene isnt added in build settings