how to make 4 different view (back,left,right front) on one object?

hi, i play around with view port rect as shown in the image below

i have a hard time adjusting camera view in order for me to align properly.(grey box in the window scene is the object). What i’m trying to achieve is something like in the image of jellyfish.

The picture of the jellyfish looks to be the same picture in all four instances of it, but they are all turned. If you want to create 4 different picture of the same thing and turn them you can use the render texture on a quad and rotate the quad.

  1. I would make 4 render textures by right clicking in the project window and going to create->rendertexture then name them 1-4.

  2. create 4 cameras that are not the main camera on the object and assign the render texture material to each one.

  3. create 4 quads and then drag the render texture onto them and place them infront of your maincamera.

  4. rotate the quads using the transform rotate in the inspector to get your view right

  5. use unlit on your texture if you have issues with the lighting being different.

No Code required. if you want the same image 4 times, use one camera and 1 render texture then copy paste and change angles. Good Luck.