how do i make one.
You need a 3d modelling program to build a character. Once you have one (like maya or 3ds max), you can find plenty of tutorials on youtube to build a character from scratch. You can also browse the internet for free models to use, or purchase some.
Ok, I think you are wanting a character and not a charicter is not it?
Well, you have to create it in a modeling program of your choice, I recommend Blender 3D, because it is very light, open source and powerful.
In your modeling program you model the character and creates all of your animations after you handle all this for scripts …
There are many videos on Youtube with tutorials, so take a look around, there is also the site of Burg Zerg Arcade that teaches how to create a complete role-playing game, and how to change the character’s traits like hair, clothes, skin color, etc. …
The link to his website is this: is for sale | HugeDomains
I hope I’ve helped you
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