How to make a clone as player

Hi, I just want some help, I made an instantiate for the player so when the player touch the collider it is instantiate. So I want to control the game object which instantiated and cancel the control from the old game object.

Hope to find some one help me.

After your clone instantiation, just disable the script

GetComponent<ScriptName>().enabled = false;

To have have control of the clone, just instantiate the clone with the script enabled.

Now, if you want to change control between the player and the clone whenever you want, just keep a reference of the clone inside the player, and a reference of the player inside the clone. So, if the script is the same for both of them, just use something like this

// a global to store the player/clone reference
GameObject other;

and then, use this whenever you want to change control. If for example you are changing the control from the player, to the clone do this

// Enable the clone
other.GetComponent<ScriptName>().enabled = true;

// disable itself (player)
GetComponent<ScriptName>().enabled = false;

Hope that helps.