How to make a deep hole, like a this picture? Use terrain? Make map in blender?

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it depends of the resolution an style of the game, realistic cartoon, the terrain can do it but if the hole is very deep the texture may get distorted

This is an old game style + graphics include some glitches and distortions

My question was more about how to best make a map of a cave that goes deep down

what do you mean a map?

do you want a map or the hole in 3D?

I mean map in 3D

Well, how will the hole be used? Like, will you enter it from outside at some point during gameplay or will there be no outside world at all and everything will be happening inside of it?

Either way, you would need to make use of Blender since terrain alone wouldn’t be really suitable - unless we go into voxel-based terrain territory.

For e.g. caves inside terrains, games usually use carefully crafted 3D meshes. You probably know that you can paint holes into Unity’s Terrain. So, basically, you would paint a hole, cover the outer edges of it with rock meshes and have a cave mesh connecting to those rocks.

yeah if is a really deep hole you should look into cutting the hole o pieces so you can take advantage of lods to not kill performance and also reuse the pieces you don’t need 100 of them just a few that you can reuse.