Could anyone tell me how to make a “broken” car, i don’t need to drive, it or anything. it’s only for the visual
You would need a 3d model of a wrecked car that you would then import into Unity and place at the location in your scene. If you wanted to add smoke or flames coming from it, you could do that by creating a smoke and/or flame particle effect and place that on or near the broken car model in your scene.
Does that help?
A bit…
but i was kinda hoping that you or someone else know a place where i could get a 3d car model
A destroyed one? Not sure … I would search in the Asset Store and then there are some other websites such as Turbosquid.
Thanks a lot
If you check out my shanty pack 1, there is a car like that - check the semo out. If you want it, ill sell separate to you - contact me at