How To Make A Floating Health Bar


I have a load of initiated enemies that come onto the scene. They all have planes above their heads that is green, and when health is deducted, the plane gets smaller whilst changing colour.

How do I make the plane always face the camera 'so it appears like a GUI', and not rotate with the enemy?

(The health bar plane is a child of the enemy)

Unless you have any other ideas.

Here is my health bar script:

var HealthBar : Transform;
var MaxHealth : float;
var MaxBar : float;
var Health : float;
var m_Camera : Camera;

function Update()

    // --- Change Size Of Bar --- \\
    transform.localScale.x = (MaxBar) * (Health/MaxHealth);

    // --- Change Colour Of Bar --- \\
    if(transform.localScale.x == 0.2)
        transform.renderer.material.color =;
    if(transform.localScale.x <= 0.15)
        transform.renderer.material.color = Color.yellow;
    if(transform.localScale.x <= 0.05)
        transform.renderer.material.color =;

Thanks, Ollie

Keeping a plane rotated to face the camera is called "billboarding".