How to make a function wait untill a specific bool is true?

Here’s a piece of code that i want to execute but how can i wait for a specific bool to be true inside a function

bool one = false;
bool two = false;
public bool A(){
	if (B())
		return true;
		return false;		
private bool B(){
	one = false;//1
	StartCoroutine (C ());//2
	// I need to wait until bool two is true and then return one
	yield return one;//5

private IEnumerator C (){
	two = false;//3
	yield return new WaitForSeconds (1f);
	if(something is true)
		one = true;
		one = false;
	yield return one;
	two = true;//4


My current execution order is 1,2,5,3,4 but i need the execution order as 1,2,3,4,5.
Please Help??

I think you’re looking for

yield return new WaitUntil( () => B() );

// where B is your boolean method.

In your case, use

yield return new WaitUntil( () => two == true );

Further to your real code, here is how I would do it. I haven’t tested the following code though.

#region Checking For Internet
public void CheckForInternet( System.Action onInternetAvailable, System.Action onInternetUnavailable )
    if( !IsInternetReachable() )
        if( onInternetUnavailable != null )
        return ;
    StartCoroutine( CheckForInternetConnectivityIEnum( onInternetAvailable, onInternetUnavailable ) ) ;

private bool IsInternetReachable()
    return Application.internetReachability == NetworkReachability.ReachableViaCarrierDataNetwork || Application.internetReachability == NetworkReachability.ReachableViaLocalAreaNetwork ;

System.Collections.IEnumerator CheckForInternetConnectivityIEnum(System.Action onInternetAvailable, System.Action onInternetUnavailable)
    WWW www = new WWW ("some api which gives sucess 1");
    yield return www;
    if ( www.error == null )
        JsonData jsonDat = JsonMapper.ToObject (www.text);
        Debug.Log( "Login API success = " + jsonDat["success"] );
        if ( jsonDat["success"].ToString() == "1" )
            if( onInternetAvailable != null )
            if( onInternetUnavailable != null )
    else if( onInternetUnavailable != null )

And call it as follow :

public void Foo()
    CheckForInternet( OnInternetAvailable, OnInternetUnavailable ) ;
public void OnInternetAvailable()
    Debug.Log("Internet is available");
public void OnInternetUnavailable ()
    Debug.LogWarning("Internet is unavailable");


I don’t think what you are trying to achieve is possible without more coroutines and callbacks. Here is my suggestion:

    bool one = false;
    bool two = false;
    public void A( System.Action<bool> onResultFetched )
        StartCoroutine( B( onResultFetched ) );
    private System.Collections.IEnumerator B( System.Action<bool> onResultFetched )
        one = false;
        yield return StartCoroutine( C() );
        onResultFetched.Invoke( one );
    private System.Collections.IEnumerator C()
        two = false;
        yield return new WaitForSeconds( 1f );
        if ( something is true )
            one = true;
            one = false;
        two = true;

And then, you call A with a callback:

    private void Test()
        A( ( result ) => Debug.Log( result ) );