to be honest, improve this small piece took me 6 hours, I took several (quadratic functions) paths, but… I like that kind of simple, but unusual, questions, thanks, I enjoy it a lot
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
* this script follow the points of the line renderer attached to it
* drag & drop the line renderer component to the field, or use GetComponent at start
* disable script to stop from other script component
public class LineFollower : MonoBehaviour {
/// <summary>
/// Current main speed
/// </summary>
public float speed;
/// <summary>
/// The line that this follow.
/// </summary>
public LineRenderer lineToFollow;
/// <summary>
/// So, we have to stop after the first lap?
/// </summary>
public bool justOnce = true;
/// <summary>
/// Internal variable, is the first lap completed?
/// </summary>
bool completed = false;
/// <summary>
/// Follow a smooth path.
/// </summary>
public bool smooth = false;
/// <summary>
/// the number of iterations that split each curve
/// </summary>
public int iterations = 10;
public float radius = 0;
/// <summary>
/// The points of the line
/// </summary>
Vector3 [] wayPoints;
/// <summary>
/// The Current Point
/// </summary>
int currentPoint = 0;
// Use this for initialization
void OnEnable () {
Vector3 [] temp = new Vector3[500];
int total = 0;
if (lineToFollow != null){
//get the verts from LineRenderer is a headache, warning, not far of 500 verts, or you'll need to increase the numbre above
total = lineToFollow.GetPositions(temp);
wayPoints = new Vector3[total];
for(int i = 0; i< total; i++)
wayPoints _= temp*;*_
* }*
* completed = false;*
* }*
* void Start(){*
* Vector3 [] temp = new Vector3[500];*
* int total = 0;*
* if (lineToFollow != null){*
* total = lineToFollow.GetPositions(temp);*
* wayPoints = new Vector3[total];*
* for(int i = 0; i< total; i++)*
wayPoints = temp*;*
* }*
* completed = false;*
* }*
* // Update is called once per frame*
* void Update () {*
* if (completed){*
* return;*
* this.enabled = false;*
* }*
* if(0 < wayPoints.Length){*
* if (smooth)*
* FollowSmooth ();*
* else {*
* FollowClumsy ();*
* }*
* }*
* }*
* // Small methods to make job easy to read*
* // about the array of points*
* ///
* /// Prevoius the specified Index, the points.Length must be > 0.*
* /// *
* /// index on array points.*
* Vector3 Prevoius(int index){*
* if (0 == index) {*
* return wayPoints [wayPoints.Length - 1];*
* } else {*
* return wayPoints [index - 1];*
* }*
* }*
* ///
* /// Current at the specified Index.*
* /// *
* /// index on array points.*
* Vector3 Current(int index){*
* return wayPoints [index];*
* }*
* ///
* /// Next of the specified index.*
* /// *
* /// index on array points.*
* Vector3 Next(int index){*
* if (wayPoints.Length == index+1) {*
* return wayPoints [0];*
* } else {*
* return wayPoints [index + 1];*
* }*
* }*
* void IncreaseIndex(){*
* currentPoint ++;*
* if (currentPoint == wayPoints.Length) {*
* if (justOnce)*
* completed = true;*
* else*
* currentPoint = 0;*
* }*
* }*
* //about 3d geometry*
* ///
* /// Non smooth following*
* /// *
* void FollowClumsy(){*
* transform.LookAt (Current (currentPoint));*
_ transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards (transform.position, Current (currentPoint), speedTime.deltaTime);
//if is close to the waypoint, pass to the next, if is the last, stop following*
if ((transform.position-Current (currentPoint)).sqrMagnitude < (speedTime.deltaTime) * (speedTime.deltaTime) ) {
* IncreaseIndex ();
* int i = 1;*
* //the function try, just try, to apply the quadratic beizer algorithm, but thos is based on number of subdivisions, not by speed, so,*
* //the speed varies, usually on closed trurns so, to minimize it I put the splits dependig of speed, but, still is a problem*
* void FollowSmooth(){*
* Vector3 anchor1 = Vector3.Lerp (Prevoius (currentPoint), Current (currentPoint), .5f);*
* Vector3 anchor2 = Vector3.Lerp (Current (currentPoint), Next (currentPoint), .5f);*
* if (i < iterations) {*
_ float currentProgress = (1f / (float)iterations) * (float)i;
* transform.LookAt (Vector3.Lerp (anchor1, Current (currentPoint), currentProgress));
transform.position = Vector3.Lerp (Vector3.Lerp (anchor1, Current (currentPoint), currentProgress), Vector3.Lerp (Current (currentPoint), anchor2, currentProgress), currentProgress);
} else {
i = 1;
IncreaseIndex ();
Vector3 absisa = Vector3.Lerp (Vector3.Lerp (anchor1, Current (currentPoint), .5f), Vector3.Lerp (Current (currentPoint), anchor2, .5f), .5f);
float it = (((anchor1-absisa).magnitude + (anchor2 - absisa).magnitude)/(speedTime.deltaTime));
* iterations = (int)it;
* ///
* /// you can also split the vertexs of the LineRenderer, and you know how to assign it, with setvertex*
* /// *
* /// The vertex.*
* /// Number split.*
* Vector3[] SplitVertex(int numSplit){*
_ Vector3 ret = new Vector3[numSplitwayPoints.Length];
for(int oldPoint = 0; oldPoint <wayPoints.Length; oldPoint++) {
Vector3 anchor1 = Vector3.Lerp (Prevoius (oldPoint), Current (oldPoint), .5f);
Vector3 anchor2 = Vector3.Lerp (Current (oldPoint), Next (oldPoint), .5f);*_
* for (int j = 1; j < numSplit; j++) {*
_ float currentProgress = (1f / (float)iterations) * (float)i;
ret[oldPointnumSplit + j] = Vector3.Lerp (Vector3.Lerp (anchor1, Current (oldPoint), currentProgress), Vector3.Lerp (Current (oldPoint), anchor2, currentProgress), currentProgress);
IncreaseIndex ();
return ret;
here the object (white capsules) following diffetent paths (pink LineRenderers) using the smooth interpolation (white TrailRenderers)