How to make a online chat game with unity free ?

Hello, I am at the first time here an I am italian, then I speak a little english, not perfectly. Then I would like to create a game that you are a man, or a woman, and you can chat with other people and buy furniture etc… I can do it ? And then, it’s too hard to do ? (I think that for me it’s too hard …)

It can be done but it would probably be a lot of work. There are many ways to incorporate chat, there’s even some tutorials on it. Assets like furniture etc. are not hard to put in, but for it to be interesting, you need a lot of things, with a lot of options. Would you be selling real-world items? Or all virtual? Did you ever play with Vivaty or New Lively?

why i play this game uberstrike the unity player everytime crash?please help me …