How to make a simple driving script for a car?

I’ve been trying to work on my first game in unity and I wanted to make a racing game. I cant seem to find or learn a script that will move the in a way it will accelerate to a maximum speed turn left and right and stop using the wasd keys. I don’t wont to use wheel colliders as the turn the wheels to the side and often flip over. I just want the model im using to be controlled have physics and drive. Any help?

Steal it. Then strip down the existing script to what you need and mess with its variables experimentally.

You want to make a racing game but don’t want to use wheelcolliders? Then you are not going to have a simple script- you’re going to be reinventing the wheelcollider in script form.

And If you don’t know how to write a script at all, you’re not going to finish any game.

How about starting out with a skid-steer tank game instead, using the AZ/KM keys?