How to make a space with nebulas

Hi, not sure if this thread should be in the shader forum or not, hopefully this is the right place.

I’m trying to create a space scene and I’m really stumped as to how to create amazing skyboxes, like those in Eve or Homeworld. I tried creating a skybox (high res) and you can quite easily see the corners of the box, so that option is out. I also tried messing around with sky spheres and whilst they look better, they don’t look as crisp as I’d like.

Someone suggested I try using shaders to draw the nebulas onto the skybox, but I’m not exactly sure what they mean by that, or how it would work.

Does anyone have any idea how I’d go about creating some beautiful space scenes? Any suggestions / articles would be greatly appreciated.

" I tried creating a skybox (high res) and you can quite easily see the corners of the box, so that option is out."

In the 6 skybox textures, did you set the wrap mode to clamp? That shoud be able to hide the box corners.

Spacescape – Alex Peterson - this is a good address for cool “spaceboxes” …and yes…it´s the wrap mode…i had the same problem when i started with unity^^
if you don´t know where you can change it, click on your img in your project folder and you´ll see…

No no, I always use clamp mode. What I mean is, even though the edges snap nicely, if you look into the corner you can tell that it’s a box ever so slightly. I read that unfortunately that is just the way sky boxes are unless you are using certain pixel shifting methods on the edges or something.

Well then the problem is the map you are using.
You can try to use a sphere instead, but I think a good cubemap will look better.

If you have photoshop (or any similar program) you can “correct” the map.

Apply to each cube face map a modifier/transformation/filter that concentrate the image in the center. I’m pretty sure you can do it with photoshop.