How to make a stamina bar?

Hey I know this has been answered many times but none of them help me so… I’m asking again
I’m using the UI component in Unity and i have a health bar that works but I can’t get my stamina bar to work I have a slider and i want it to go down when the left shift is pressed but for my health bar it allows me to select which bar i want to use and on my stamina it doesn’t any help is appreciated I’m writing in C# The code is still not finished because I want to finish this problem before i move on

#pragma strict
using UnityEngine; 
using System.Collections; 
using UnityEngine.UI; 

public class MovementScript : MonoBehaviour {

 public Slider StaminaBarSlider;  //reference for slider
 private bool CanRun = true; //flag to see if you can run
 void Start(){
      CanRun = true; //disable GameOver text on start
 //Check if player enters/stays on the fire
 void Update(){

     if(Input.GetButton("LeftShift") && StaminaBarSlider.value>0){
         StaminaBarSlider.value -=.010f;  //reduce health
         CanRun = false
     if(StaminaBarSlider.value == 0){



Using UnityEngine.UI

public GameObject sprintBar;
public float currentSprint, sprintLeft, maxSprint;

void YourFunction()
     sprintLeft = currentSprint/maxSprint;

    sprintBar.transform.localScale = new Vector3 (sprintLeft, 1, 1);

If this does not work, there is a tutorial on youtube on how to make a healthbar with Unity UI. Which goes into the same concept. I couldn’t test the code for you.