How to make a tank move/follow a path?

So I have created a pathfinding program which finds a route from point A to point B which I’m sure most of you are familiar with. What I am trying to do is let my 3D tank model move along this path. My question is 1. how to make a tank move? (I’ve got the basics to this but tips would help) and 2. Is there some sort of scripting trick or something that allows the model to follow the path?

Thank you!

Depending on how you wrote the pathfinding vs using an asset from the store such as A*. The free version of A* has an example for moving between nodes. You will most likely want to use a character controller and the SimpleMove (or move if you want) (Unity - Scripting API: CharacterController.SimpleMove) method for the controller to move it between nodes. Or you can get the point that it’s at, and the point that the tank is supposed to be moving to, and do a Vector3.Lerp(frompoint, topoint, speed) approach to move the object.

You may want to add a rigidbody and bounding volumes to handle the collision so you don’t move through objects too.