sorry guys, i have no ideas totally.
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General discussion isn’t really for technical help. This “should” be somewhere else.
…and that “somewhere else” is defined by what specifically you mean (probably Scripting though). What do you have that you want to make a heatmap of?
I have a simulation where an agent moves randomly on a grid, and I make a greyscale heatmap of its location over X iterations by scaling the color (from 0,0,0 to 255,255,255) by how often the agent was at a location. So if I’ve been at a location 50% of the time, that’s 256 * 0.5 = 128(-1). This was done by writing the colors of pixels directly.
Half of solving a problem is asking the right question. What do you actually want to achieve?
Describe this in detail, then we can help.