How to make Admob banners not show in every scene

Im trying have admob banner ads in my app and I dont want them to show in every scene but in this case they do and I dont know how to prevent this from happening. Thank you.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using admob;

public class Admanager : MonoBehaviour

public static Admanager Instance { set; get; }
public string bannerId;
public string videoId;

private void Start()

	Instance = this;
	Admob.Instance ().initAdmob (bannerId, videoId);
	DontDestroyOnLoad (gameObject);

public void ShowBanner()

		Admob.Instance().showBannerRelative(AdSize.Banner, AdPosition.BOTTOM_CENTER, 5);



using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using admob;

public class DisplayBannerAd : MonoBehaviour

	void Start ()

		Admanager.Instance.ShowBanner ();

		Debug.Log("Banner Ad Shown:");




when you not want banner to show.