So, I was wondering how to make a (for example) Monster wonder around until it saw a player. Then Start walking towards you. I have the walk towards part, but I dont know how to make them just walk around!
it is really easy to do so;-
1- make a cube and remove the mesh render component, now create your monster and give it nav mesh agent component, finally create a c# script and set the monster destination to your cube.
using UnityEnigne.AI;
public NavMeshAjent myAjent; //your monster, make sure it has nav mesh ajent
public Transform Ajent_Destination;// your cube
public Transform temp_playerDestination;// you i mean the player
private bool isChasing_PLayer = false;
void Update()
if(isChasing_Player == true)
void OnColliisonEnter(Collider other)
isChasing_Player = true;
Now we only need to teleport the cube , make sure it has box collider with is trigger set to true make another c# script name it as Collide and ,
public int min_X = 0;
public int max_X = 0;
public int min_Z = 0;
public int max_Z = 0;
void OnColliisonEnter(Collider other)
this.gameObject.transform.position = New Vector3(Random.Range(min_X , max_X) , 0 /*you can modify this thing by creating min,max variables for Y*/ ,Random.Range(min_Z , min_Z ));
And you are good to go, hope this works I haven’t tested this script in unity so please just check for spelling cause this surely goanna work , leave the comments for any suggestion or query well this is my first ever unity solution and I am programming for a month now!!!