Hey everyone, I am making a car game, where you can drive around a city, I am using the seeksteer script for my ai cars. As this script works using waypoints, i am finding it difficult to find a way to make the ai car follow the player around (basically this ai script will be applied to a police car, which will chase the player around the city), the seeksteer script looks like this:
var waypoints : Transform[];
var waypointRadius : float = 1.5;
var damping : float = 0.1;
var loop : boolean = false;
var speed : float = 2.0;
var faceHeading : boolean = true;
private var targetHeading : Vector3;
private var currentHeading : Vector3;
private var targetwaypoint : int;
private var xform : Transform;
private var useRigidbody : boolean;
private var rigidmember : Rigidbody;
// Use this for initialization
function Start() {
xform = transform;
currentHeading = xform.forward;
Debug.Log("No waypoints on "+name);
enabled = false;
targetwaypoint = 0;
useRigidbody = true;
rigidmember = rigidbody;
useRigidbody = false;
// calculates a new heading
function FixedUpdate() {
targetHeading = waypoints[targetwaypoint].position - xform.position;
currentHeading = Vector3.Lerp(currentHeading,targetHeading,damping*Time.deltaTime);
// moves us along current heading
function Update(){
rigidmember.velocity = currentHeading * speed;
xform.position +=currentHeading * Time.deltaTime * speed;
targetwaypoint = 0;
enabled = false;
// draws red line from waypoint to waypoint
function OnDrawGizmos(){
Gizmos.color = Color.red;
for(var i : int = 0; i< waypoints.Length;i++)
var pos : Vector3 = waypoints*.position;*
*var prev : Vector3 = waypoints[i-1].position;*
*<p>Also, I didn't want to put the script that allows the driver to drive their car because then this question might be a bit too long...*
*But if anyone would like, i can post the player car script, because i was wondering if anyone could provide a good script for allowing a player to drive a car, because the one that i got at the moment is not the best...</p>*
*<p>Many Thanks</p>*