How to make an enemy 2d chasing player?

I 'm doing a 2d platform game , I need to make enemies but do not know how. the enemy shall patrol and chase the player only when the player enters in the trigger of the enemy. i’d need a script because i am noob in c#. Sorry if I have not written correctly but i’m Italian. Thank you in advance. Please, is pretty urgent!

Well @thorr57,

what about my video in Italian about this? Sure, is 3D, but the system is identical, you only have to correct the target to ensure the correct plane is used :wink:



I would create attach a collider onto the enemy, in the shape of the region, and set it as a trigger. Then use some code like this in a script:

private bool seenPlayer = false;

void OnTiggerEnter() {
    if  (/* is it the player? */) seenPlayer = true;

void Update() {
    if (seenPlayer) {
        // do something

Then you would put whatever behavior you would like in place of the " // do something ". Just make sure that the player has a collider on it.