How to make an object fly in a curve?

i want to make something like on the image. I want that the ball flies in a curve to the player 1. (after the ball collides with the player2)

Does anyone have an idea how to do this?

Thanks for help :slight_smile:

Is the ball always supposed to hit the other players head, or do you just want to have the ball travel in a parabola? If the latter, add a RigidBody2D to your ball and then give the it a diagonal force, for example:

GetComponent<RigidBody2D>.AddForce(new Vector2( xForce, yForce ));

The higher the value of the yForce, the higher the ball will go. Whereas a high xForce value will make the ball travel faster and longer.

Hi, thanks for reply. Yes, the ball is supposed to hit the other players head.

I am working on a solution with iTween. But its not smooth enough. Between the iTween “speed” and the gravity is a difference. I did a curve with iTween (ball follows the curve path) and the falldown is with the gravity.
