How to make an Object turn with another Object

So I have a probably simple question, how do I make that if an Object rotates, an other Object rotates the same amount with it? I know that this may sound very simple for programmers but I dont know much about scripting yet but Im getting into it. Thanks

You will need the other object monitor the first object somehow.

However, I will explain something to make your life easier. If you have the other object follow the other, things could get confusing if you had another object, then another. Who watches who?

So, make a mananger, have the manager know each object. You could designate one object the main, alpha, and any other object rotates according to it.

So, the manager watches the main alpha. The manager then passes this information to any sub object.

If the objects are attached / related, like a player and their weapon, you can also parent the weapon GameObject to the player’s GameObject in the hierarchy by dragging it on top.

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