How to make an unlit shader use spec and normal maps?

Hi all!

I need your knowledge once more. I must create a building with a vray baked texture, a detail map and some normal map and specular.
I tried warping light but it is not a true unlit look and anyway, it mess with the bump and specular. It flattens it, wich is logical.
I d like to have my constant(unlit) texture, with details texture on it , and a specular affected by a normal map.

Does anyone see how to do that in a custom shader?

Any help is much appreciated.

Sounds like the existing SelfIllum/BumpSpec shader?

The default setting is all white (all illuminated.) Or could delete the line where it looks up the illum map, to make it run a bit faster?

Annnnnd… Almost. It could work, but as soon as I activate a light (needed for the specular), it gets illuminated and doesn’t act like an unlit basis anymore. I’ll try and dig it’s code anyway. Thanks. If you have another idea, i’ll take it.